Award as a volunteer-friendly employer

12. Jan 2023

Betonbau is very concerned about volunteerism. Particularly in civil protection - in the fire departments, rescue services and aid organizations - citizens are on duty every day to help others.

We are therefore particularly pleased that on January 12, 2023, we were recognized by the state of Baden-Württemberg as a "Volunteer-friendly employer in civil protection."

Betonbau supports employees in being able to leave the workplace at short notice for relief work. Volunteers are released from their working hours and a nearby parking lot is provided to enable them to get to the site quickly and safely. We are proud of our dedicated employees. Keep up the good work!

Learn more about us as an employer.

Read more in the press release from the state of Baden-Württemberg.

Auszeichnung als ehrenamtsfreundlicher Arbeitgeber

From left: Thomas Deuschle, Thomas Strobl, Thomas Sachers, Volker Knott, Reiner Kohagen, Oliver Horwedel

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