Gas supply

Gas is volatile. But this much is certain: your technical building.

"You know, gas is complex." A customer once said this short sentence - referring not only to gas as a material, but to the entire gas market. Because it is always in motion, the projects are time-critical, the substance is safety-critical, and the systems are noise-critical. The requirements are high - and highly diverse. And: Yes, we know that.

GRITEC's range of services extends from compact substations that can be operated from one side to walk-in modular solutions up to complex buildings in slab construction. From this spectrum you will find an economical enclosure for your

  • Gas pressure control and measurement systems
  • BHKW: biogas feed-in plants
  • BHKW: industrial block heating plants
  • Gas compressor plants
  • Pipeline reporting stations
  • Gas heating plants

Your position in the gas market - this is where GRITEC is at your side:

  • Gas network import pipelines | North + South power
  • Landing/Compression/Metering
  • Remote reporting -- Methanization
  • Compression/Measurement/Control
  • Gas station -- Regulation/Distribution -- BHKW

Flexible solutions for every task

From GRITEC's modular system, planners and operators can find a tailored solution for every type of operation with cost-effective industrial production. An extensive range of modular room cells in different widths, lengths and heights makes this possible. If required, units can be easily combined and supplemented by slab construction.

The range of services provided by GRITEC extends from compact substations that can be operated from one side to walk-in room cell solutions and complex structures in slab construction. From this spectrum, you will find an economical enclosure for your

  • Gas pressure regulating stations
  • Natural gas filling stations
  • plants for the processing and distribution of technical gases.

GRITEC has numerous technical solutions ready for these applications with regard to gas-tight bulkheads, sound insulation and building equipment. These range from doors and ventilation elements from our own metal construction production to technically sophisticated details for crane systems. Tested type statics are available for standard room cells.

Compliance with standards and DVGW regulations is just as much a matter of course as a high quality standard.

We are flexible with regard to the external design. You can choose between different surface designs with and without thermal insulation as well as different roof shapes.



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