
Transformer track & transformer room accessories.
Cable and pipe penetrations.

Transformer travel rail & transformer room accessories

Our motto: "Solidly stored and quickly changed".

During the development of a flexible travel rail system especially for the storage and changing of transformers, you profit from the advantages of a solution that is both stable and practical.


  • Transformer travel rails with lateral track limitation
  • Transformer travel rail support
  • Transformer vibration damper
  • Transformer barrier bar with bar holder
  • Safety and information signs
  • Steel tray in closed design
  • Stainless steel tray in closed design
  • with removable front or side wall

Your advantages, your safety!

Our travel rails and supports are optionally loadable up to 3.5 t or more. We pay special attention to your wishes and realize adjustable track gauges, any span widths and guarantee simple transformer replacement. Glass-fibre reinforced vibration dampers ensure stable mounting of the transformer. Collecting trays provide maximum environmental protection against leaking transformer coolants. As a WHG specialist company, we achieve this through strict compliance with all legal regulations and standards.

Cable entries and pipe penetrations

plus accessories

Cable entries and pipe penetrations must withstand extreme loads. For compact systems, if desired with extensive accessories, we can provide you with a selection of all current makes available.

Our cable entries can be formed flush with the concrete at any point of the concrete station. A plug-in system by means of tongue and groove frames enables the formation of cable entry packages.

Of course we also offer the following "classic" installation parts. For grounding bushings and connections, as well as emergency power bushings we have tried and tested solutions ready for you!

Installation parts:

  • Mounting rails
  • Anchor rails
  • Heavy duty anchors
  • Earthing connectors
  • Cuffs