Contact form

Do you have an incident that violates our Code of Conduct? You can simply submit it to us here - anonymously if you wish.

Let us know your concern and we will handle your request with confidence.

Wenn Sie hier Ihre e-Mail-Adresse eintragen erhalten Sie automatisch eine Benachrichtigung auf diese Mail. Bitte prüfen sie gegebenenfalls ihren SPAM-Ordner.

Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie entweder ihre e-Mail oder ihre Telefonnummer korrekt angeben.

Do you have any questions?

If you wish to contact us, please do not hesitate to contact our reception by phone +420 281 034 111 or by e-mail for any questions.



For more than 60 years, GRITEC has been the leading manufacturer of infrastructure and technical buildings in the fields of electricity, gas & water, renewable energies, digitalization, rail, e-mobility and industry.

Around 1,100 employees at four German and one Czech site are committed to the continuous development of our products and services.


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